Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Sometime I wish I was a simple person.  Someone who isn’t a worrier, who is perfectly content in where they are, right now.

Like this – who is this person!!

I talked with my life coach(es), yes there were two, about my fear of being lazy. I do think that I am lazy. I am a hardcore relaxer. I can go through an entire season of Netflix shows in a weekend. In my quest to get healthier I bought the fitbit. It’s amazing, except when I only take 2000 steps a day (on a quest to 10,000).

I have come to a point where I question if I am pulled in too many directions. I am NOT the kind of person who is afraid to say no but I am constantly seeking out new things to help me find my way. To help me feel fulfilled. Then I questions myself, aren’t I suppose to look to GOD for that? That brings on all the questions about I am doing enough to be closer to HIM?

These blogs really help me to calm the swirling. Exercise is helping too; my anxiety (self diagnosed) has quieted. I am happier at my soul sucking job. But my to do list is never ending, I always have a running tally of books to read, jobs to apply for, vlogs to edit, blogs to put together and actually post!

So to quiet the fear I answer it. I am enough. I am doing enough. I read, I volunteer, I get up early to work out. I go to work every single day. I need to really reward myself for my successes. Why is it so hard to see your own daily victories?

I have figured out nothing from this post BUT I was leaning toward skipping out a weekend at a friends cabin and I have decided I AM GOING. I am just going to leave my computer at home and read a non-self help book and breathe. I want to love on their new baby and ride on a boat and laugh. Yes, that might be just the solution.

Thanks – this was helpful. I always say that, because it always is.

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